Discografía completa:
1896-97. Edison s/n. Minstrel Music Medley 🔊
1896-97. Edison s/n. My Silly Old Tune 🔊
1897. Edison 2201. Annie Laurie
1897. Edison 2202. Auld Lang Syne
1897. Edison 2205. I Love My Lucy
1897. Edison 2206. Reception Medley
1897. Edison 2208. Sally In Our Alley
1897. Edison 2209. Sun Of My Soul
1897. Edison 2210. Tapioca
1897-98. Edison 2211. Mama´s Black Baby Boy
1897-98. Edison 2212. Hot Corn Medley
1897-98. Edison 2214. Hambone Medley 🔊
1897-98. Edison 2215. Who Broke The Lock?
1897-98. Edison 2216. The Old Oaken Bucket 🔊
1897-98. Edison 2217. Rocked In The Cradle Of The Deep
1897-98. Edison 2218. Sleighride Party
1897-98. Edison 2219. Trip To The County Fair
1897-98. Edison 2220. Sweetest Story Ever Told
1897-98. Edison 2221. Little Alabama Coon 🔊
1898. Edison 2222. I'se Gwine Back To Dixie
1898. Edison 2223. My Old Kentucky Home (#1, 22.01.98) 🔊
1898. Edison 2224. Church Scene
1898. Edison 2225. Our Sunny Southern Home
1898. Edison 2226. Camp Meeting Jubilee
1898. Edison 2227. Everyday Will Be Sunday By And By
1898. Edison 2228. Coon Songs Medley
1898. Edison 2229. Farmyard Medley
1898. Edison 2230. High Old Time
1898. Edison 2231. Poor Mourner
1898. Edison 2232. Break The News To Mother (#2, 16.04.98)
1898. Edison 2233. Steamboat Leaving The Wharf
1898. Edison 2234. Sunshine Will Come Again
1898. Edison 2235. Tear
1898. Edison 2236. Imitation Medley
1898. Edison 2237. Carry Me Back To Old Virginny
1898. Edison 2238. Moonlight On The Lake
1899. Edison Concert B-33. Rocked In The Cradle Of The Deep
1899. Edison Concert B-196. My Old Kentucky Home
1899. Edison Concert B-197. Cornfield Medley 🔊
1899. Edison 7204. My Creole Sue
1899. Edison 7267. Nearer My God to Thee
1900. Edison 7531. Owl And The Pussy Cat
1900. Edison 7532. Kathleen Mavoureen
1900. Edison 7551. Mandy Lee
1900. Edison 7567. My Lady Lu
1900. Edison 7568. College Songs Medley
1900. Edison 7581. Vesper Service
1900. Edison 7624. Republican Campaign Shout
1900. Edison 7625. Lead Kindly Light
1901. Edison 7710. Soldier's Farewell
1901. Edison 7728. Good Bye Dolly Gray
1901. Edison 7746. Onward Christian Soldiers
1901. Edison 7857. Plantation Songs Medley
1901. Edison 7945. Little Darling, Dream of Me
1901. Edison 7983. Adelina, The Yale Boola Girl 🔊
1902. Edison BA 2201. Annie Laurie 🔊
1902. Edison BA 2217. Rocked In The Cradle Of The Deep
1902. Edison GM 2222. I'se Gwine Back To Dixie 🔊
1902. Edison 8100. Trip To The County Fair
1902. Edison 8217. Lucky Jim
1903. Edison 8331. Little Cotton Dolly
1903. Edison 8352. Lost Chord
1903. Edison 8410. My Country 'Tis of Thee
1903. Edison 8436. Massa's In The Cold, Cold Ground
1903. Edison 8479. Chapel
1903. Edison 8571. Keep On A-Shining Silvery Moon
1904. Edison 8664. Breeze Of The Night
1904. Edison 8725. Starry Night For A Ramble
1904. Edison 8753. I Can't Do That Sum
1904. Edison 8790. In The Gloaming
1904. Edison 8796. Stories Adam Told To Eve
1904. Edison 8807. Dreaming On The Ohio
1904. Edison 8823. Old Black Joe
1904. Edison 8837. O Come All Ye Faithful
1904. Edison 8842. Hail Smiling Morn
1905. Edison 8905. By The Watermelon Vine
1905. Edison 8926. When The Bees Are In The Hive
1905. Edison 8945. Tell Me With Your Eyes
1905. Edison 8967. Grandfather's Clock
1905. Edison 8976. Where The Southern Roses Grow
1905. Edison 8994. Leaf By Leaf The Roses Fall
1905. Edison 9019. Good Night Beloved Good Night
1905. Edison 9048. I Wonder If You Miss Me
1905. Edison 9069. In The Evening By The Moonlight
1905. Edison 9096. Sing Me The Songs Of Dixieland
1905. Edison 9120. Hard Times Come Again No More
1905. Edison 9144. When The Evening Breeze Is Sighing
1905. Edison 9168. Silent Night
1906. Edison 9192. Jolly Blacksmiths
1906. Edison 9216. Song Of The Steeple
1906. Edison 9240. Only A Message From Home, Sweet Home
1906. Edison 9264. Eileen Allana
1906. Edison 9312. Where The Morning Glories Twine Around The Door
1906. Edison 9336. Teacher And The Tack
1906. Edison 9360. One Called Mother And The Other Home, Sweet Home
1906. Edison 9384. Good Old Songs
1906. Edison 9408. Since Nellie Went Away
1906. Edison 9432. Stop That Knocking At The Door
1907. Edison 9456. When Daddy Sings The Little Ones To Sleep
1907. Edison 9480. Flower From Home, Sweet Home
1907. Edison 9504. Beauty´s Eyes
1907. Edison 9528. When The Roses Are In Bloom
1907. Edison 9595. Sweet Jessie Dear
1907. Edison 9624. Sailor´s Chorus
1908. Edison 9743. Rock Me To Sleep Mother
1908. Edison 9763. Little Log Cabin In The Lane
1908. Edison 9791. Sword Of Bunker Hill
1908. Edison 9816. Nancy Lee
The Knickerbocker Quartet
1908. Edison 9994. Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming
1908. Edison 10029. So Do I
1909. Edison 10045. Memories Of Galilee
1910. Edison 10435. Oft In The Stilly Night
Edison Male Quintette
(Macdonough, Bieling, Dudley, Hooley & Len Spencer)
1904. Edison 8710. Slavery Days
1904. Edison 8744. The Old Cabin Home
1904. Edison 8772. The wanderer's Return
1905. Edison 9052. The Rosay (as The Knickerbocker Quintette)
Edison Sextet
(Posiblemente con Stanley, Harlan o Belmont)
1902. Edison 8260. Tell Me Pretty Maiden